Eco Power Group
Eco Power Group

Eco Power Power System Passed EMC Test

EMC (Electromagnetic compatibility) is the ability of a facility or device to operate without causing any intolerable electromagnetic interference to any other device in the electromagnetic environment. Therefore, EMC involves two aspects: on the one hand, electromagnetic disturbance (Electromagnetic Disturbance) generated by the equipment, which cannot exceed a certain limit during operation; on the other hand, electromagnetic inductance (referred to as EMS), which means that the equipment should have a certain degree of immunity to electromagnetic disturbance in its environment.

Eco Power Power System Passed EMC Test

Because Eco Power's power supply systems are often installed in places with large power-driven equipment or strong electromagnetic interference sources, their use and reliability will be greatly affected if the power supply system does not have good immunity to electromagnetic interference. manufacturers. We always put the user experience first.

Eco Power Power System Passed EMC Test